
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Moonbats Want to Turn Poor People into Dung Beetles

More proof that liberals are obsessed with their own poop and pee? Now they want to force poor people to collect their poop, roll it to a collection station, and exchange it for batteries to power their boom boxes. I swear I’m not making this up.

The idea is called “X-Runner” by Noa Lerner, an Israeli moonbat. She wrongly asserts that the lack of toilets is the cause of poverty. Its the communism and failed leftist governments that cause poverty which strips its citizenry of the ability to buy toilets and the inability of the government to create proper sanitation.

She wants to force the brown colored people of the world to wheel their shit downtown in order to sell it to a fictitious entity or corporation that will convert the shit to energy, presumably by the use of unicorn semen and that wonderful time turner device from the Harry Potter movie.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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