
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid PeopleTravel

Too Lazy or Inept to Cook Your Own Dinner? Then the TSA Wants YOU

This explains so much about where those fat-assed, braindead idiots, who check ID’s and check baggage for too much toothpaste come from. Turns out that the TSA recruits heavily from the crowd that either can’t cook or are too lazy to do so.

The pizza box says that x-ray vision and sweet-ass benefits come standard with the job. The part about ongoing training is chock full of how to harass strangers about having too many liquids and how to say in a carnival barker’s voice, “Shoes on the belt, laptops in the tray!”

They don’t actually teach them about detecting explosives until the 3 month anniversary date.

Having once worked for minimum wage at a Pizzaria, I can attest to the fact that these boxes don’t fold themselves. So minimum wage workers will fold about 150 of these before using their mom’s cellphone to call the number to see if they too can harass travelers for a living.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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