
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Government Giveaways Are Racist

These black people crowded together in a parking lot to get free welfare housing. That’s not a racist statement. When “the man” hands out free apartments in the ghetto, the smart black woman lines up.

So here is how the AJC describes the scene that resulted in 62 injuries-

Thirty thousand people turned out in East Point on Wednesday seeking applications for government-subsidized housing, and their confusion and frustration, combined with the summer heat, led to a chaotic mob scene that left 62 people injured.

At the Tri-Cities Plaza Shopping Center, emergency vehicles passed each other, transporting 20 people to hospitals. Medical and police command posts were set up on scene. East Point police wore riot gear. Officers from four other agencies supported them. Yet no arrests were made.

Some waited in line for two days for the applications.

Offering applications for the first time since 2002, East Point Housing Authority officials had triple the crowd they anticipated, and one that was three-fourths of the 40,000 population of the south Fulton city. Things got out of hand when people started cutting into lines and authorities attempted to move groups to different areas.

So these people had to fight each other and stand in long lines for a government handout. Lots of single moms too. I guess standing in long lines beats a long day at work? Did anyone show up and take a look at the huge crowd and leave, vowing to themself that they would knuckle down and get a better paying job?

Bottom line is that when you create a federal program that results in gigantic crowds of black people fighting for the benefits, it is a racist program.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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