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Reason 626 to HomeSchool: Racist Latino Vice Prinicipal Won’t Make Your Kid Remove US Flag Shirt

Morgan Hill’s Live Oak High School Vice Principal Miguel Rodriguez is a dirty racist. On Cinco De Mayo, he rounded up all of the children who were wearing red white and blue colors and threatened to suspend them from school if they did not remove their clothing. He said it was offensive to the Latino kids because May 5th was “their day.” Funny. Cinco De Mayo is not an official US, nor California recognized holiday.

From KTVU here:

Tensions mounted at a Bay Area high school Thursday, a day after five students whipped up emotions by wearing t-shirts depicting red, white and blue American flags on Cinco de Mayo.

A group of 50-60 Latino students walked out of classes at Morgan Hill’s Live Oak High early Thursday, marching to city hall and rallying to show their support for Miguel Rodriguez, who had ordered the students who wore t-shirts with American flags on Cinco de Mayo to either go home or turn the shirts inside out.

Four of the five students who wore American flags or patriotic colors on campus later attended a meeting with the superintendent of the Morgan Hill Unified School District Wednesday night.
They were facing unexcused absences because they chose to go home early rather than take off what they were wearing.

Some Mexican-American students KTVU spoke with said they thought wearing red, white and blue on Cinco de Mayo was disrespectful.

“It’s just kinda disrespectful that they would do that on this day,” said student Victoria Wright. “I mean, we don’t go around on 4th of July wearing red white and green and saying ‘Viva Mexico,’ because that’s disrespectful.”

The school district Wednesday issued a statement which read: “The district does not concur with the Live Oak High School administration’s interpretation of either board or district policy related to these actions.”

Those Mexican kids sure don’t seem to learn much at this school if they think they are still in school come July 4th. And students who walked out to support a racist vice principal? I wonder if they were going to get threatened with suspension?

Bottom line is that this is an American school, not a Mexican one. Cinco de Mayo is not a state-sponsored holiday and the schools certainly shouldn’t be violating children’s rights to choose what they want to wear, especially if its what they had on above. Someone should fire Miguel Rodriguez, but of course that won’t happen. Teachers and principals are allowed to have sex with schoolchildren and not get fired, so this is probably not going to generate any disciplinary action. Thanks to Zombie for the story.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Reason 626 to HomeSchool: Racist Latino Vice Prinicipal Won’t Make Your Kid Remove US Flag Shirt

  • Gregory of Prescott

    Ironic thing is these latino kids don’t realize “Mexican” is a nationality, not a race, and as far as Mexico is concerned, they are American citizens not Mexicans. “student Victoria Wright. “I mean, we don’t go around on 4th of July wearing red white and green and saying ‘Viva Mexico,’ because that’s disrespectful.” Bullshit. Besides, just how does an American flag disrespect Mexico? Feel free to go live in the country you are so proud of Victoria. What? You don’t want to live there? What are ya, some kinda racist?

  • Redsquare,
    Thanks for the info, but it is my understanding that the Principal has issued an official apology. I still think he should have been fired over this, but no chance of that happening. And I usually don’t allow phone number publications unless its really warranted, which in this case, probably not.

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