
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberEco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

New Eco-Implant Device Tracks Your Carbon Footprint

Want a way for the government to track your every move and also measure how much carbon you are spewing into the atmosphere? Boy, democrats do, and leftists at the “green” site Treehugger seem to think this is a “step in the right direction.”

wearable carbon meter image

From Treehugger here:

If you live in a city with a good metro system, you’re probably used to having a swipe card system of some sort – What if your swipe card were based on carbon emissions instead? That’s the idea for this wearable carbon emissions tracker.

Rather than a key or a card, the carbon meter would fit on your hand and glows a particular color – green, yellow, orange or red – depending on how well you’re using your public transportation allowance. But there’s more…it’d give the government insight on how well the public transportation systems are being used.

It has a slight ring of cyborg and Big Brother, but the idea is still kind of appealing. Knowing exactly the impact your choice of transportation is making in real time would be a big step forward.

Having the government track your every move is a big step forward? Who the hell do these leftists think they are??! They despised Bush because he wanted to listen in on terrorists calling home to foreign countries, but forcible daily transit and movement monitoring is just fine for these loonies!

Well, if that’s how they want to play it, I’m all for it. I would like to know where leftists are 24/7 too. In fact, lets just expand this a bit more to its logical conclusion- Lets implant the chip biologically.

Once you hit your total governmental allotted Carbon Limit, or reach the ripe old age of say… 30- the gemface of the implant will start glowing red. Then Leftists have to voluntarily commit suicide in a grand public ceremony in the town square to the applause of normal people. And if the leftists refuse for some reason to commit suicide in the name of the environment, government agents will arrive to “put them to sleep.” I know! We’ll call those agents “Sandmen.” Sounds like a great movie.

Thanks to Moonbattery for the link.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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