
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failMOTYStupid People

Python Strangles Toddler. Mom Thinks Snake Owner Should be Father of the Year

Charles Darnell is pictured here as Darwin intended- Fat, shirtless, shoeless, and comforting his live-in girlfriend after he let his big-ass python kill her two-year-old daughter. And somehow, this douchenozzle is praised by another woman- one who squeezed this man’s crotchfruit from her stubbly loins, yet refuses to live with the snake-handling oaf- as a “Great Dad.”

From here:

A 2-year-old girl, Shaiunna Hare, died Wednesday morning when her family’s pet Burmese python slithered into her crib, wrapped itself around her and crushed her to death.

The snake’s owner, Charles Jason Darnell, 32, who lives at the home with the girl and her mother, told investigators that the yellow and white snake had escaped from a glass aquarium in the living room overnight and made its way into the child’s bedroom.

Just after midnight Wednesday Darnell found the eight-and-a-half foot snake out of its glass case. He put it in a bag and returned it to the enclosure. When he awoke in the morning, he discovered that the snake was again out of its case. He found it wrapped around the toddler in her crib. Darnell got a knife and began stabbing the snake, and it slithered away under a dresser.

Danelle Geoghegan, who pulled up to the home in a car hours after the attack and said she has a daughter with Darnell, described him as a “great dad. “He’s devastated about this,” she said.

I have said it before that people who own giant burmese pythons are stupid. These things kill full-grown adults. Kids are snacks, and it doesn’t matter how much the tykes like to wrestle or hug the snakes.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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