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Fat Ugly Lesbian Women Blame Ariel of Little Mermaid for Their Own Miserable Lives

Or something like that. All I know is these women need a little makeup and need to stop being so pissed off at men who find them to be undateable hags. Meet Emily Kazyak and Karin Martin. They spend their time sexualizing children to understand why so many of them grow up normal and want to have babies of their own. To lesbians like them, this is horribly unfair, so, to fix this imbalance, they are demanding that G-rated Disney movies be re-written to make all of the princesses fat, unattractive and have rotting ovaries like Kazyak and Martin do.

“Damn your fishy hide, Ariel!” claim two women who look surprisingly just like Ursula

Check out the ridiculous research paper these angry women’s studies lesbians wrote, accusing Disney of promoting “heteronormative” stereotypes:

From here:

Researchers at the University of Michigan have concluded that the love stories told in classic Disney and other G-rated children’s films – such as the Little Mermaid – are partially to blame for the pervasiveness of what they label “heteronormativity.”

“Despite the assumption that children’s media are free of sexual content, our analyses suggest that these media depict a rich and pervasive heterosexual landscape,” wrote researchers Emily Kazyak and Karin Martin.

The results, say the researchers, illustrate two ways that the children’s films “construct heterosexuality”: through “depictions of hetero-romantic love as exceptional, powerful, transformative, and magical,” and “depictions of interactions between gendered bodies in which the sexiness of feminine characters is subjected to the gaze of masculine characters.”

Characters in love are surrounded by music, flowers, candles, magic, fire, balloons, fancy dresses, dim lights, dancing and elaborate dinners,” the researchers observed.  The movies were…  “heavily gendered depictions and glorified portrayals of heterosexual relationships.”

Maybe these women are just pissed off because their surroundings in their love life are not filled with dining and dancing and flowers, but rather, strap-ons, flavored oils and grating Indigo Girls albums. And seriously, who the hell pays these stupid broads good money to study the sexual relationships and roleplaying of children?  According to Martin’s bio she:

My research has examined gender differences in pubertal experience and first sex; how kids’ bodies are gendered in preschool

How preschoolers’ bodies are gendered??!  WTF is that??  Sending your kids to college seems like a huge waste of time and money if this is the crap they teach. Thanks to Moonbattery for the story.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Fat Ugly Lesbian Women Blame Ariel of Little Mermaid for Their Own Miserable Lives

  • Do these, um, ladies get out much? lol thanks for posting.

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