
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreStupid People

Flirty Fit? WTF?

I saw this commercial on the History channel this morning when I woke up and I was rubbing my eyes trying to figure out if it was real or not. Basically, a bunch of fat chicks lost weight by dancing like strippers. How rubbing and slapping your ass drops those unwanted inches is anyone’s guess. If the fat chicks buy the DVD now, they can get a stripper pole for one dollar!

I don’t know what’s worse- that women are being pushed to act more like strippers? Or is it that now if guys go to a strip club they will see a bunch of women working out?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Flirty Fit? WTF?

  • FYI guys…putting dollar bills in your chubby wifes g-string DOES NOT qualify as excercise.

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