
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid PeopleWhy Homeschool?

Reason 820 to HomeSchool: Cockroaches in the Cafeteria Smarter Than the Teachers

More proof that your nine-year-old is smarter than his teacher: Irish schools are pushing for a UK-wide ban on all radio-based telecommunications in schools- such as wi-fi, baby monitors, and cell phones. Why? Because they are retards who believe deep down that all this technology will make the kids sterile, inattentive in class and induce cancer. Next they will be forcing the kids to wear tin-foil hats to block the harmful radio-waves.

From the DailyMail here:

Wireless ‘wi-fi’ technology should be removed from schools to prevent millions of children suffering a heightened risk of cancer and sterility, teachers demanded yesterday. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers called for classroom wireless networks to be suspended immediately until research has properly considered the threat to health.

Members said they were concerned by scientific reports linking wi-fi with impaired concentration, loss of short-term memory, chromosome damage and increased incidence of cancer.

But there have been no long-term studies into the health effects, they said, even though 70 per cent of secondary schools and 50 per cent of primaries have already introduced it.

Colin Kinney, Cookstown High School, in Cookstown, Northern Ireland, who highlighted the issue at the ATL’s annual conference, cited international experts who had called for caution when introducing wi-fi technology.

He said research from Sweden had warned about the increased cancer risk and the Government there now funds shielding agents, such as foil covered rooms and anti-radiation point.

Mr Kinney said a Government scientist from Austria had called for wi-fi to be removed from schools claiming there was evidence of  ‘increased symptoms as well as increased cancer rates’.

“Are our pupils going to thank us in the years to come if they have become sterile or suffer from cancer, brought on by or exacerbated by the exposure to wi-fi?”

Hey Colin Kinney:  You are a simpleton who should be barred from teaching.  You have no proof whatsoever that radio waves induce any harmful effects to humans.  But bad science taught in school harms us all.  For your information, the World Health Organization has stated that there are no health risks associated with any electro-magnetic fields or wi-fi signals.  Why do you need another report?

EMF signals are all around us.  Radio waves, TV signals, garage door openers, cordless phones and the list goes on and on.  Are you going to ban all of those too?  Idiot.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Reason 820 to HomeSchool: Cockroaches in the Cafeteria Smarter Than the Teachers

  • I saw this article as well, it rapidly disappeared down the website as the comments poured in. Dropped an email to the ATL askign them if he could get in touch and tell me what government studies he was referring to which higlighted these dangers. Nothing so far back from them.
    Morons the lot of them, btu even mroe pathetic are the ones who voted for it.

  • I work at a radio station so I guess this makes me a child abuser.

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