
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “One Big Ass Mistake, America


    What possible reason could people have for losing their religion?

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    Taliban say Obama’s call on moderates “illogical”

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    In Atlantic Magazine they have a list (from ideapalooza) of 895 promises not kept (yet), such as “forming a new strategic alliance in the middle east” — things that are so vague and amorphous that … they got him elected.

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    European Union President fears Obama’s policies and return to Communism

    “Don’t endanger free markets”

    March 9 (Reuters) – Massive government spending and tighter regulation would prolong recession, Vaclav Klaus said, as he urged U.S. President Barack Obama not to endanger the free market economy.

    In a speech at Columbia University in New York, Klaus, a former Czech prime minister who championed the free market after the fall of Communism 20 years ago, said he never expected to see such extensive government intervention again in his lifetime as he now sees around the world.

    Klaus said he hoped Obama would show “an optimum mix of continuity and discontinuity” with the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

    “I hope it will include not endangering the basic institutions of the market economy,” Klaus said.

    He cautioned against trying to solve economic problems by more government intervention.

    “The best thing to do right now would be to temporarily weaken, if not repeal,” business regulations on labor, the environment, social issues and health, he said.

    Klaus was in New York to attend a conference of climate-change skeptics and he reiterated his view that “global warming alarmism” is a major problem.

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    El Salvador communists [Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front FMLN] run on “Yes We Can” slogan (yes, in English)

    + + + “Obama is giving us the War on Business. Imagine that some hypothetical enemy state spent years preparing a “Manchurian Candidate” to destroy the U.S. economy once elected.”

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    N. Korea’s “so ronerey” dictator distrusts Obama:

    “North Korea on Monday cut its military hotline to Seoul and put its million-man army at battle stations … UN forces last week tried to counter North Korean claims that military exercises were a smokescreen for an invasion by promising to keep the hotline open … an army spokesman: “the South Korean puppets are in a frenzy about these military exercises, levelling their guns at fellow countrymen in league with foreign forces.” … The communist state also warned that any attempt to shoot down a rocket it plans to launch soon would be an act of war. … The reclusive state has torn up its non-aggression pacts with the South, vowed not to recognise a tense maritime border and last week said it could not guarantee the safety of South Korean passenger aircraft in its airspace. … Kim Jong-il was returned to the Supreme People’s Assembly with a vote of 100 per cent in Sunday’s elections.”

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    WND: “Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility: Mention of citizenship issues deleted in minutes, ‘offending’ users banned”

    “A perusal through Obama’s current Wikipedia entry finds a heavily guarded, mostly glowing biography about the U.S. president. Some of Obama’s most controversial past affiliations, including with Rev. Jeremiah Wright [20 tears at TU] and former Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers, are not once mentioned … Also completely lacking is any mention of the well-publicized concerns surrounding Obama’s eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief. …

    “Multiple times, Wikipedia users who wrote about the eligibility issues had their entries deleted almost immediately and were banned from re-posting any material on the website for three days.

    E.g. “One Wikipedia user added the following to Obama’s page:

    “There have been some doubts about whether Obama was born in the U.S. after the politician refused to release to the public a carbon copy of his birth certificate and amid claims from his relatives he may have been born in Kenya. Numerous lawsuits have been filed petitioning Obama to release his birth certificate, but most suits have been thrown out by the courts.”

    “The entry was posted on Feb. 24, at 6:16 p.m. EST. Just three minutes later, the entry was removed.

    “Wikipedia explained that the website does not publish “fringe” material.”

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    The President of the United States of America has not only declared War on Republican-associated media figures. Democrat Jim Cramer: “why after toiling in the cable wilderness for four years with Mad Money am I the target of the wrath of the Obama clan?” This proves that Mr Obama is bi-partisan in his attack on the media.

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    Warren Buffett on CNBC: “U.S. economy has fallen off a cliff.”

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    US future: In Obama’s model state, Commie China (remember during the election…?):

    “Seeking justice, Chinese land in secret jails [they should try to get transferred to Club Gitmo, where the food is better at least]

    “Hidden beneath dingy hotels and guarded by men in dark coats. Known as “black houses,” they are unofficial jails for the pesky hordes of petitioners who flock to the capital seeking justice. … they are beaten, deprived of food … by gangsters paid by police and bureaucrats.

    “Today in beijing tens of thousands of desperate citizens try to seek redress by lodging formal complaints at petition offices.

    “According to the state media, 10 million petitions have been filed in the last five years on complaints as diverse as illegal land seizures and unpaid wages. The numbers would be far higher but for the black houses, also called black jails, the newest weapon local officials use to prevent these aggrieved citizens from embarrassing them in front of central government superiors.

    “The game, sometimes deadly, is to prevent a filing. The cat-and-mouse contest has created a sizable underground economy that enriches the interceptors, the police and those who run the city’s ad hoc detention centers.

    “Some are held for weeks and months without charge, and in a few cases, the beatings are fatal.”

    [They should change their names to something like “Khalid Sheik Moham” or “Binyam Moham” or basically any variation of Mohammad if they want attention.]

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