
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Global Warming Scam Attracts Mad Scientists Looking for Handouts

If you thought that mad scientists were imaginary supervillains from the old Saturday Morning Cartoons, you would be wrong. Mad scientists are real, and they are constantly trying to collect government money to pay for their efforts to destroy the world. Case in point is Dr. Roger Angel of the University of Arizona. He has a plan to block out the earth’s sunshine and is actively seeking funding for his insane idea.

From the Telegraph here, by way of Moonbattery.

Scientists claim they can fight global warming by firing trillions of mirrors into space to deflect the sun’s rays forming a 100,000 square mile “sun shade”.

According to astronomer Dr Roger Angel, at the University of Arizona, the trillions of mirrors would have to be fired one million miles above the earth using a huge cannon with a barrel of 0.6 miles across.

The gun would pack 100 times the power of conventional weapons and need an exclusion zone of several miles before being fired.

Despite the obvious obstacles – including an estimated $350 trillion (£244trn) price tag for the project – Dr Angel is confident of getting the project off the ground.

Dr Angel has already secured NASA funding for a pilot project and British inventor Tod Todeschini, 38, was commissioned to build a scaled-down version of the gun.

Wow, eggheads trying to destroy the planet in the name of Global Warming are actually weapons designers that are making cannons that are 100 times more lethal than conventional weapons.  Nice.  Dr. Angel now joins Bernie Madoff as a modern-day supervillain.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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