
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid Peoplewitches

Old Ass Wiccan Proclaims US Will Invade Mexico

All wiccans are just too stupid to follow the rules of a real religion, and too poor to join a cult. They are also desperate for attention, which is why this old fool who lives in the mountains of Mexico sent out a press release saying his tarot cards predict that the US will move their troops from Iraq to Mexico.

From the AP here:

Mexico’s self-proclaimed “Grand Warlock” says the United States will pull troops out of Iraq in 2009 and send them to the border with Mexico in an attempt to expand its territory.

The prediction from Antonio Vazquez comes with a word of warning though: his record of projecting the future is spotty at best.

Vazquez has been making predictions since 1980 on events ranging from international events to the private lives of celebrities, based on his reading of tarot cards.

Vazquez erroneously predicted last year that oil prices would be stable and that Cuba’s Fidel Castro and singer Britney Spears would die. This year, he says Spears will continue to triumph.

If this moron is wrong so often why did they run his picture in the paper?  Oh yeah, so everyone can make fun of the elderly idiot.  Like all witches, he should just be burned at the stake.  If he’s a real psychic warlock, he will be able to sense the approaching mob and will fly away on his magic broom cackling “Blessed be!”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Old Ass Wiccan Proclaims US Will Invade Mexico

  • I was thinking Dumbledore

  • Gregory

    So I was under the impression the troops were being brought home from Iraq, to kill American Citizens when Bush declares Martial Law. Conducting a coup in our own country AND invading Mexico, while a very good idea, might be stretching our soldiers a little thin.

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