
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ObamaWhy Homeschool?

Reason 142 to Homeschool: Obama Teachers Won’t Bully Kids Who Support McCain

Welcome, HotAir Readers!
And Welcome Michelle Malkin Readers!

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Wow, this post has gotten quite a bit of Attention. Thanks also goes to Moonbattery, Riehl World View, Neptunus Lex, American Power, Lone Star Times, Sister Toldjah, PoliGazette, Stop The ACLU, Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, and Gateway Pundit for the links and traffic! I even see some referral traffic from the Freepers and the Lizardoids.

This is a video of Diantha Harris, a lifelong democrat and avid Barack Obama supporter. She is also a lousy schoolteacher, as is evidenced by the mushmouthed kids in her class. And instead of concentrating on grammar and English, math and science, she abuses and ridicules any child who dares to speak up in support of John McCain. This video is part of a Finnish documentary on Obama fans, and it is shocking that you have to go to a foreign country to learn what goes on in our own classrooms.

See how she singles out the little white girl and mocks her for having an absent parent, who is off defending the country, and lies to her, saying her Dad would have to stay in Iraq for a hundred years? The little girl was ready to cry! Disgusting.

Diantha Harris: It’s a senseless war! [Stares at Kathy.] And by the way, Kathy, the person that you’re picking for president said [Harris shakes her head] that our troops could stay in Iraq for another hundred years if they need to! [Kathy bites her lip, looks ashamed. Other kids stare at Kathy, laugh, smirk.] So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years!

[Kathy is on verge of tears.]

[In an interview later:]

Diantha Harris: Now I can support whomever I want to support, as long as I don’t browbeat another person for the candidate that they supported. Like I have some students that support John McCain, and when they told me that, I said ah … “that’s good’ and I just moved on. So, I think that everybody is entitled to their own personal opinion.

You know, the schools are banning kickball, dodgeball and tag on the playgrounds because they are afraid of bullies. Seems to me the bullies are the ones with the chalkboard erasers. Lots of thanks to Akira here for the video and the transcript.

Ken at TundraTabloid broke this story here.


The school superintendent has launched an investigation. Here is what he wrote on the school website here about Diantha Harris’ classroom conduct.

I was shocked when I saw the clip of an interaction between a Cumberland County Schools teacher and her students as posted on YouTube. While neutral discussion of the political process is appropriate, at no time, particularly with elementary students, should a teacher infuse his/her political views into the discussion. Most disconcerting was the military slant that made its way into this discussion. We are a military community, serving over 15,000 military students and their families. We value the sacrifices, not only of the military parents but also those of their families.

We believe that military children are our children, military spouses are many of our employees, and military service men and women are our heroes. We proudly serve our military children and have received national awards for our support of military families.

I was particularly disturbed to see the uncomfortable position in which our children were placed due to the inappropriate actions of one of our teachers. Please be assured that the actions exhibited in this video are not consistent with the vision of the CCS. Moreover, the actions of one teacher do not represent the 7000 employees in our organization.

Once the video was brought to my attention, I immediately launched an investigation. Personnel laws prevent me from releasing information regarding individual employees and personnel action taken. I can assure you that upon completion of the investigation, I will take appropriate action.

Dr. William Harrison
CCS’ Superintendent

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

167 thoughts on “Reason 142 to Homeschool: Obama Teachers Won’t Bully Kids Who Support McCain

  • Cumberland County, North Carolina

    School System Central Office/Superintendent


    Ask for Human Resources and for Harris’s supervisor

  • California Crushed

    This is the school board policy regarding political activities in the school district where I teach (California). Prohibition of political activities at our schools were closely monitored.

    AR 500.18
    Page 1 of 1

    Administrative Regulations

    No employee shall engage, during duty time, in political activities upon property under the jurisdiction of the City School District. “Property,” as used herein, includes school premises, property owned by the City School District and property in the possession of the City School District, whether by lease or otherwise.

    Except as permitted under the Civic Center Act of any negotiated collective bargaining agreement, the following activities upon property under the jurisdiction of the City School District are specifically prohibited:

    1. posting of political circulars, petitions and other materials on bulletin boards and facility walls

    2. use of school mailboxes to distribute political circulars, petitions and other materials

    3. distribution of political circulars, petitions and other materials during duty time

    4. the collection and solicitation of campaign funds during duty time

    5. solicitation of campaign workers during duty time

    6. the use of pupils for writing, addressing or distributing political materials

    The bullying-b**** from NC is an embarrassment to our profession. My heart breaks for all those innocent students. I sincerely hope Gene Bell appropriately handles this abhorrent behavior from a teacher who represents his school district. I’d like to shove that Obama button down her throat. Shame on you D I A N T H A!

    P.S. Celecia in Texas.
    Yes, it’s true, the dumbing-down of our students is a nation wide epidemic (See “A Nation at Risk”). Public schools are a government monopoly with a hidden agenda. As the NCLB Act distorts student learning with student performance, teachers are blackmailed to teach to the HIGH RISK TEST (aka State Standardized Test). As we know, Cecelia, if our district does not purchase the very expensive government produced test, we receive no federal funding. So in essence, the high and low students are melded into mediocre students. We have to spend less time with the proficient students, and more time with the below basic students because this is where we can raise our scores to make our AYP/API. If we do not make our API scores, the state takes over the school. It’s a crime what is happening in American schools. Monopolization. Mediocrity.

    Pat? Hello, Earth to Pat! What planet are you from? Quote from Pat:

    “I just don’t think the evidence nowadays points to any specialized skills in teaching, and this video is the perfect example of that.”

    Incredibly inaccurate, moronic, unsubstantiated comment. That buffoon in the video, in no way, represents the pedagogy of teaching. A computer does not, cannot, compare to an accomplished teacher.

  • You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension — a dimension not of sight and sound but of delusion.

    It is the middle ground between bad and evil, between astrology and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his delusions.

    This is a wondrous land of imagination — a land of both shades and shadows. It is an area which we call the Obama Zone.

    Yes, you have entered . . . the O-Zone.

  • That teacher should be reported to CPS for mentally abusing the little girl. The military should step in to investigate the abuse of one of it’s soldier’s dependents.
    I consider the teacher to be the classic example of a bully.

  • Bergmeister

    She is awful….

    sadly she is only one of many in our school systems.

    I send an e-mail to the assc. director of Humman Resources of the Cumberland Co. school system Mr. Locklear notifying him of this video and that Mrs. Harris should be removed asap due to her actions.

    I’d love to do a through, no holds bar expose on our public school systems….hmmm maybe i should start asking for grant money.

  • Richard

    Typical. Teacher unions are poisoning our youth by protecting these worthless “educators.” I don’t see any good by Barack Obama’s plan of throwing money at them…

  • California Crushed:
    I was not suggesting that teachers be replaced by computers. But parents can do better educating their children if they have the time. The resources and materials are available.

    The monopoly of education should not be held by people that can’t be trusted.

    Thanks so much for clearing up the location of this teacher and thanks again for being the source for me for this video. It produced 10,000 hits today!

  • What’s Mr. Locklear’s email address?

    The Cumberland County Schools email page goes to a dead end

  • Pat,

    As you point out, all teaching materials necessary for educating kids are available online or can be found in any good store. What a teacher should bring is a well-rounded education and a sensitivity to children.

    This cow Harris fails on both points.

  • Diantha Harris

    Mary McArthur Elementary School
    Principal Lola Williams
    3809 Village Drive Fayetteville, NC 28304

    Superintendent William C. Harrison

  • tanna

    This happened to me in second grade in a Catholic School.
    They never change.

  • David

    This woman is a teacher? SHE SHOULD BE FIRED!!! One has to wonder what she will tell her student next year when troops are still in Iraq.

  • From the school’s website:

    “The A+ approach to instruction and assessment is grounded in the concept of multiple intelligences, which acknowledges that children are smart in different ways (See Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences). In the classroom, this translates to learning and demonstrating knowledge and skills in different ways. The method of teaching and assessment that incorporates the multiple intelligences will be more varied than usually seen in the traditional classroom. It will incorporate the arts as both teaching and assessment tools and provides more options for students to learn and show what they have learned. It also allows more children to be successful in school and acquire life-long learning skills. At Mary McArthur we focus on, “How Are You Smart?” rather than, “How Smart Are You?””

    Isn’t that special?

  • Akira,
    Wow, that is a sappy liberal mission statement, huh? Gag. No I don’t wonder how this happened.

  • bud allison ..COWDOG..

    TRUELY DISCUSTING.this kind of gunk does not belong in the the racist teacher….this is just what obama wants in the schools…..KATHY i,M SORRY FOR YOUR IMBARRASSMENT.bad bad teacher……………BUD

  • Alyce

    This freaking moron fat slut has no right to be teaching any child, her what the hell does she teach because she doesn’t have a clue in politics.
    You nasty ass fat butt whore .. That little girl should have not been confronted that way .I hope her dad comes home and beats this whore .

  • American Eagle

    I have sent a message to the Commanding General at Fort Bragg, I also have sent e-mails to many veterans organizations as well. I ask all of you to do the same. This is just wrong.

    American Eagle,USN,Retired

  • The original show is in he Swedish language, and was on Finnish TV. About 10% of Finns are Swedish.

    That’s not really important, except to accentuate the absurdity of the source for this video.

    MSM sources keep crying about how unfair it is that they’re labeled as biased. So do you think this teacher only ended up on Finnish TV [!] because it’s such an isolated incident, or because US media would ignore or bury it?

    I wonder if they’ll keep polishing President Obama’s knob now that the dirty deed has been accomplished? I think there’s a big possibility that when he first screws up in a major way, they’ll all pile on him as a belated way of recovering their “integrity”.

  • Andreas

    The tv-show called “Från Bill till Barack” (From Bill to Barack)is swedish and was sent on swedish public broadcasting network. The journalists are two experienced reporters known for the high quality of their work. I saw this documentary when it was shown here in sweden a few days before the election and could not believe it. Like mosts swedes I supported Obama but this kind of abuse must rightly disgust anyone. What kind of citizens do you get with teachers like that?

  • Andreas

    FYI Finnish tv broadcasts programmes produced by swedish tv because of their swedish-speaking minority who doesn’t have enough resources to produce documentaries like this.

  • michelle

    Shame on her, and shame on the people who are allowing her to continue to teach. I hope there are repercussions.

  • Re: “What kind of citizens do you get with teachers like that?”

    – Obama Supporters

    i.e. Dummies

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