
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ChinaStupid People

My Chinese Donkey Meat Tastes Funny

The Chinese are poisoning the dogfood they make, along with children’s toys and even toothpaste.  Bored with poisoning Americans and their pets, they are now poisoning themselves at wedding receptions.  Instead of using salt and pepper for their boiled donkey meat, they are flavoring it with Rit Rust Remover.  MMmmm!  That’s some tasty donkey!

From Reuters here:

Some 170 wedding banquet guests were rushed to hospital in north China when powdered rust remover was added to the pot instead of salt after they all decided it needed added flavor.

In a bizarre coincidence, 61 wedding guests were taken to hospital with similar symptoms a day earlier after a duck-and-donkey-meat banquet in northwest China.

In the rust remover case, the bride’s proud father invited 170 friends and relatives to the wedding banquet at a village in northern Hebei province on Friday, the night before the nuptials.

“All food was stewed in a big pot but after dinner started, all of them felt the taste was too bland,” the newspaper said.  Someone added what he or she thought was salt — several times. An hour later, the guests were being rushed to hospital.

“When I arrived at the hospital, the observation room was packed with people vomiting, with stomach pains and with diarrhea,” a doctor was quoted as saying. The symptoms were short-lived and all the victims were released by the next day.

It was a poor village and perhaps they used the village laundry cauldron to cook the food, which would explain why rust remover was nearby.  But either the villagers are illeterate or they have yet to discover the magic of using labels on chemicals.  And I’m beginning to think that the Chinese Zodiac is not a calendar, but just another menu to the Chinese.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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