
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Your Daughter Will Wear Combat Boots

Barack Obama was sitting around his campaign headquarters drinking malt liquor, smoking Phillie Blunts, and watching Starship Troopers on Blueray, and when the movie rolled to the part where Diz and the other army chicks were showering with the boys, he decided he should draft women for the next war.  Suck it, ladies.

From the Pittsburgh Gazette:

Obama supports a requirement for women to register with the Selective Service, while Mr. McCain doesn’t think women should have to register. Also, Mr. Obama would consider officially opening combat positions to women. Mr. McCain would not.

Both Congress and the Supreme Court have exempted women from registration because of the combat rules.

During a CNN/YouTube debate for Democratic presidential candidates last year, Obama said he doesn’t “agree” with the draft, but he did say women should be expected to register with the Selective Service, comparing the role of women to black soldiers and airmen who served during World War II, when the armed forces were still segregated.

“And I think that if women are registered for service — I think it will help to send a message to my two daughters that they’ve got obligations to this great country as well as boys do.”

Women who are voting for Obama because they don’t like the government making laws that affect their bodies should think twice.  I think being conscripted into war is the ultimate intimate experience a person can have with their government.  And if women have to register for the draft, at least they can be thankful they are sending a message to Obama’s daughters, who, apparently, have no other way of learning that they have obligations to their country.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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