
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Avast, Scurvy Google! We’ll Be Plunderin’ Yer Datacenter!

Imagine if Google had a fleet of ships.  Now imagine that Google put all of their servers on those ships and shoved off to international waters.  Once there, Google would somehow harness the green power of ocean waves to power all of their servers and cool their datacenter core.  Google imagines it will get free power and become untaxable.

I imagine pirates boarding these floating datacenters and holding geeky technicians hostage.  I imagine Gmail sinking to the ocean floor during a hurricane.

But this is what Google is proposing to do in a recent patent filing.  I have the rest of the details written up over at GeeksAreSexy here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Avast, Scurvy Google! We’ll Be Plunderin’ Yer Datacenter!

  • Dirkbag

    I saw your comment elsewhere… they are already calling McCain Hitler… weeks ago at the convention.

  • Dirkbag, thanks. My comment was somewhat rhetorical because even if they weren’t calling McCain Hitler yet, they will. Liberals are unhinged and woefully unimaginative.

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