
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Guess Who’s Coming Over for Beers?

My wife’s friend describes herself as a “free spirit,” is a vegetarian, and reformed party girl, reformed Mormon, and for now, a reformed lesbian. She is into astrology and tarot card reading and wishes she knew lots more about Wicca and pagan festivals.

No, she’s welcome over anytime. But she’s getting serious with a practicing Muslim man who tolerates her paganist ways- for now. When he gets up in the morning to roll out his prayer carpet, she thinks its cool because “he’s all spiritual.” I welcomed him in my home the other night and he drank one of my beers.

I Googled Tarot and Goat and got this.

Its a “Staring Contest of Love.” So which one will blink and declare that all of their beliefs are bullshit first? Will the devout Muslim turn his ass toward Mecca for a nice little session of Tarot Card Reading? Or will the vegetarian and animal lover help him sacrifice a goat for the festival of Eid?

Here is what the United States Department of State published as advice to American Women considering marriage to Saudi men.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

8 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Coming Over for Beers?

  • Hmm, so… not gonna work out to just respect each other’s beliefs but keep their own? Cuz, that’s what I would do.

  • Oh Poppy, have you learned nothing reading my site? Liberal views of respect and tolerance do not apply to Muslims, but we’ll keep wishing for that.

  • I knew you would say that. I was just hoping the world had suddenly been taken over by happy unicorns.

  • Seriously though, with the world desperate to hear about a happy story with a similar couple, wouldn’t we have heard about it by now? From somewhere? Even a faked one?

    I tried to google for it, but the results said, “c’mon, srsly?”

  • Well, that’s something!

    I assume whoever is more passionate about their beliefs eventually wins out…

  • BT in SA

    Just curious why such a devout Muslim man who rolls out his prayer mat every morning would accept a beer? Muslim’s DON’T drink!!! Add “being a hypocrite” to their list of beliefs. Or lying – taqiyya? – whatever it’s called. Tell your wife’s friend to dump him, and do it quickly. Oh, by the way, does this man have his green card already or is he just “shopping” for one? Hate to be so negative, but having now spent five years in The Sandbox, believe I have first-hand knowledge…

  • I do have some moderate Muslim friends. Yep, moderate muslims really do exist. They happen to be from a more moderate country- Morocco. And we have been out for beers quite a few times.

    But I think in this case, the boyfriend is trying to coax her into a more permanent position, and if it means hanging out with kuffars and drinking their beer, then so be it. I have no idea his citizenship status.

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