
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?You're Fired!

Reason 168 to HomeSchool: Fugly Whore Kid Rapist Won’t Teach Kindergarten

Meet Angela Csader. She graduated college with a teaching degree and used it to trick parents in Arizona into allowing her to tutor an autistic child. After tutoring sessions, she seduced and then raped the child’s 16 year old brother multiple times. The fat whore, who looks like a really bad drag queen, even had sex with the boy in her truck at his high school during the boy’s lunch period.

And she continued to teach kindergarten while she was in court answering for her sex crimes, getting fatter and fatter due to the baby growing in her that was conceived from her sex crimes!

From the East Valley Trib here:

Teacher Angela Csader, 25, was arrested in July for having sex with a 16-year-old Gilbert boy – a boy who fathered her child.

She continued to teach kindergarten students during a half-year span when she appeared multiple times before a Maricopa County court.

Csader resigned from her job Jan. 31, the day after the district received information from the Arizona Department of Education about child sex charges against her.

Csader was arrested July 28 after admitting to police that she had sex with the teen multiple times in 2006. Csader was hired by his parents as an in-home special-education therapist for their 8-year-old autistic son.

Csader and the teen first had sex in August 2006 while she was house-sitting for the parents, and they had sex at least two more times during the next month.

Csader told officers that she once drove to Gilbert High School during the boy’s lunch break to have sex in her truck.

Csader is married, and the baby was born in May. At the time of the arrest, Csader told police she didn’t know who the father was.

However, paternity tests confirm the baby is the teen’s.

The victim’s family is suing to gain full custody of the baby. I hope her husband divorces her disgusting ass too.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

9 thoughts on “Reason 168 to HomeSchool: Fugly Whore Kid Rapist Won’t Teach Kindergarten

  • Janny

    Where is the humanity?

  • orchidfae

    This disgusting piece of crap is my daughter’s former kindergarten teacher. My 5 year old has been alone in a classroom with 24 other children and a rapist for 6 months! I am disgusted and outraged, not only at the teacher but the school ditrict. What kind of background checks do they do? What about the courts? Do they not check to make 100% sure that these petafiles are NOT teaching our children? NO! I feel absolutely betrayed by our school systems.
    My daughter never liked Angela Csader. She never wanted to go to school. I would have to fight her in the morning when I dropped her off at school as she clung to me saying I don’t want to go Mommy! Now even though she STILL does not have a regular teacher (which in itself bothers me because what kind of backround checks do they do on the substitutes????) She LOVES school. She tells me at night before bed that she is so excited to go to school (now that petafile csader is gone).
    Maybe I should have done some kind of background check on my daughters teacher. I know from now on I will, But isn’t that the schools job? I am a working single mother who cannot afford to homeschool my children ( though I would love to) Who is going to protect our children? What is our world coming to?

  • wendblue

    My son was in her class as well, and he actually would get a red light when she was present, when she was not there he would get a green, then one time he threw something at her and hit her with it. He hated her very much. Also one time she told me that my son told another little gril about SEX and even spelled it out. he does not even know what that word means, he is five after all. my children are not allowed to watch any program unless we put the code in, so i know that she was lying about this. So many things that I should have delt with when i had the chance, but you trust that your child is safe at school. I hope she burns in hell..

  • Wendblue,
    Welcome to the site. I hope you take some time to check out my other posts as well.

    You know, you can just look at this woman and tell she is not appropriate to teach your kid. As a parent, what choice do you have when you are confronted with such a whore-beast who wants to teach your child? It must be a nightmare….

  • Pat Robertson

    Dang, I wish I had a hotty like her “rape” me when I was 16 ๐Ÿ™‚
    Americans just have no idea about a normal male teenagers hormone status ๐Ÿ˜›

  • stangfreak

    he was 16, that not rape. he didnt have to have sex with her, she didnt make him have sex with her. rape is making someone have sex with u……..

  • Stang,
    An adult woman who has been hired as a private tutor in someone’s home, who goes on to sexually abuse a child, is a rapist. Whether the child was willing or not doesn’t make it right.

  • Teacher

    Orchid Fae!! Hopefully the “rapist” taught your daughter how to spell because you sure as hell don’t yourself.

  • Ok, I hate to brake it to you, Skippy, but a hot blonde Miltf like this doesn’t need to “rape” a 16 year old. Any 16 year old teenager would crawl naked through a heap of glass shards to get laid by that bimbo, take it from somebody who used to be a 16 year old. Funny how scared Americans are of sex, but I guess that’s what makes a good “born again” Jesus Freak.

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