
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreHumorStupid People

Why Our Culture Is Superior to Theirs

You want to make a liberal’s head explode? Just tell them that the American culture is vastly superior to everyone else’s. Case in point. In our culture, an old man’s leg is not mistaken for a wrinkly, leathery, magic wand.

In India, the limbs of the elderly grant wishes!

From the AP here:

Two men attacked an 80-year-old, self-proclaimed holy man in southern India and chopped off his right leg, apparently believing it had magical powers.

Yanadi Kondaiah, who claimed that those who touched his leg would be cured of illness or have wishes granted, was hospitalized in serious condition after the attack Tuesday.

Superstitions, belief in magic and the occult remain widespread in much of rural India.

Kondaiah told police that two men offered him a drink as thanks for previously helping them with his magical touch. After he passed out drunk, the men chopped off the leg below the knee with a sickle and left him to die.

Yep, in our culture, that leg would be up on Ebay within an hour.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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