
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberMySpaceRoPStupid People

Katherine Lester to Abdullah Psycho: Its Not Me, Its You

As I wrote last time, Katherine Lester is back in the USA, and she went on Dr. Phil to give her side of the story and to report that yes, she was finished with the punk jihadi of the West Bank.

Drama Queen.

Wondering if he can buy suicide belt on

From Dr. here:

“Abdullah’s behavior since I’ve been home has been possessive, verbally agrressive,” Katherine says. “I consider Abdullah a stalker. Abdullah has left me 34 voicemails within an hour. I have not called him once. He was swearing at me so loud on the phone, calling me a slut, a bitch, a whore. I realized that my relationship with Abdullah was over that night. I always knew it wasn’t going to work, but I tried.

“When I break up with him, he threatens me, and that’s why I have to talk to him, threatening me, like, ‘If you don’t talk to me, I’m going to torture your family. I’m going to call your dad and tell him that you’re having sex.’ I was like, ‘I need a break from you,’ and he told me to take my break and shove it up my ***. I don’t have any intention of seeing him. I’ve already told Abdullah that we’re not getting married 100 billion times, but he will not take no for an answer,” Katherine says.

You know, Muslims have to treat their women this way. Its in the Koran.

When it came time for the big kiss-off, the conversation went like this:

“I just, I can’t be with you anymore,” Katherine said.

“What about the promises? What about everything we had together? Is it because of this stupid show?” he asks. “Just tell me.”

“No, it’s not because of the show,” she says.

“Is it because of me? Is it because of me?”

“Yeah. It’s your attitude,” Katherine says.

Maybe Katherine Lester has finally milked this insane drama cow dry. Lets hope she stays in the US and stays off the internet.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

40 thoughts on “Katherine Lester to Abdullah Psycho: Its Not Me, Its You

  • Random,
    Yeah, the Catholics have some blood on their hands, but its nothing compared to the so-called Religion of Peace.

    But a funny thing happened after the renaissance. Science and understanding took over, often with the blessing and cooperation of the Church. A new age of enlightenment was ushered in.

    But the followers of Muhammad refused to accept the enlightened ways and continued to enslave millions of blacks in Africa and murder sailors along the coasts of Barbary.

  • yvonne9903

    Hey there Pat,
    I am a licensed therapist, something Dr. Phil can’t even claim.(He gave up his license, did you know that?). Pat, have you ever heard of something called Borderline Personality Disorder? I do believe you meet the DSM-IV TR criteria for that disorder, and I also think that you are really enjoying all of the attention you are getting from your provocative blog. I don’t think you care whether the attention is negative or positive, as long as the focus is on you. I’m going to try a little something here called “paradoxical intent”, and we’ll see if you feel better afterwards, so here goes:

    “Pat, you probably are the only one on this page who REALLY knows what’s going on in the world, be it religious, political or cultural. It’s obvious that you have really done your research, and I would bet you have quite a lot of personal, first hand experience with the Islamic culture. My guess would be that you have spent years researching Islam, the Koran, the Middle East and it’s people to have written such a well informed piece of literature. I encourage you to keep voicing your opinion about all things great and small. I encourage you to spend as much time as possible blogging about anything and everything, to your heart’s content. I encourage you to gather information for your blogs from such quality entertainment as Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer and Steve Wilkos. We will just sit back and wait for the next literary gem to spring forth from your brilliant mind.
    There, do you feel validated now?

  • Yvonne,

    Nice to put in your 2 cents worth of nothingness on 9/11. If you spent less time on the webchats and more time with your son, maybe he wouldn’t be so ADHD.

    If you have something to add to the conversation besides psychobabble, please do so. Otherwise, go dope your kid up some more and and keep your advice for your paying customers.

  • I just show this show , I am from Israel and I was so mad to see that that terrorist wrote on his myspace that he is from Israel!!!!
    Thank god she stoped seeing him !!!!
    He only ment bad things for her and I am sure he would have expload the u.s or something, he looks like a terrorist!!!

    Im glad she started to think and made the right desition!!

  • Muslims don’t treat their wives this way. this icident can’t be considered as a rule. Muslims respect their wives. There are some expectations as it is the way in Ameria where some women are beaten.

    Koran teach people to respect each other and respect women

  • Yeah, except for the parts where women can’t drive, vote or leave the house without a male escort, and have to keep their bodies covered at all times and if they are raped they have to have several eyewitnesses to say she didn’t deserve it, and besides the fact that the koran says its okay to beat your wife, i guess it might be considered respectful. LOL

    At least in the US when a woman is beaten a law is broken.

  • to Pat

    I don’t know why you are that agressive. You have to see things objectively. Muslims respect other culture and believe in them. Why don’t you try to see how “Syrian” for example treat their wives. and how they live in peace, Muslims, Jews and christians. Islam doesn’t discriminate. The conditions that are put for women are for the society’s sake as woman build socities. How can you imagine a world without rules or conditions. There will come a day in which a sister marries her brother without knowing that.

    Don’t look at Saudi Arabia as an example. you have to see other sides.

  • Ghina,
    OK, so you’re Syrian, so I will cut you some slack on your English writing and language skills. But I have traveled in Jordan, which is a progressive muslim country and I still stand by my statements, however I was heartened at seeing young couples out on dates drinking alcohol and the women uncovered.

    But that is the exception to the rule.
    All societies are being built just fine without the persecution of women that Islam forces upon its believers.

  • Hi Pat,

    It’s good that you’ve visited Jordan. Islam doesn’t encourage people to kill, it’s like any other religion calls for peace. However, I can assure you that some practices which are done by the name of Islam don’t relate to it in any way. These practices come from old traditions.

    Please don’t judge islam by the Muslims and their own way of understanding. Judge islam as it is.

    However, wish you all the best Pat.


  • I agree with Pat. He may sound “mean and hate-filled” to the rest of you naive people, but at least he knows what he’s talking about. I’ve been to Egypt and the West Bank and I know its not a popular thing to “judge” cultures (its not PC), but women in Islamic societies in GENERAL have less rights than in western countries. Of course, women, there are exceptions to the rule, and having a nice muslim husband doesn’t change the facts on the ground. My dad does business in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Islamic countries, and from what he sees, the misogyny isn’t exclusive to just some wackos. Women are treated like cattle, baby-machines, and expendable vessels of pleasure. Many verses in the Quran relate to how a woman is worth half a man, etc. If a woman’s honor is “spoiled” or even if someone spreads a rumor about her, it is acceptable in many instances to murder her. Again, not every muslim man is like this, but the entire culture is steeped in it, along with hatred of infidels. So please, stop behaving as if this is news.

    I have far too many friends of friends who tried dating muslims. Once they entered the village or got engaged, their once charming men change to obsessive, possessive, crazed chauvinists who either beat them, curse them, convert them, force them into wifely servitude, or all of the above. SO many times I have seen this happen, it’s not even funny. Sure, there must be good men, but from the cultural models middle eastern men have in front of them, it’s acceptable to be intolerant, angry, and rash.

    Many muslims are good people, despite their religion. But out of billions, how many say NO to all forms of terror and their supporters/defenders?
    Judge Muslims on their silence when atrocities happen. Judge them by their silent approval of what fellow muslims are doing all around the world: oppressing, murdering, destroying other cultures, and terror. Judge individuals by what they believe in and do. They may not do terror, but their defense of the indefensible says all.

  • sunflower

    The last post by K seems the only one that makes sense to me.

    Of course there are good peace loving kind muslims just like there are Christians -and in every religion it seems the majority is silent and allow bad things to happen to other people.

    But it is absolutely true also that in all religions there are misinterpretations, abuse etc and it is ignorance and naive to think that “my religion is the one that is right” -and this in my view is the mistake that most muslims make, thinking their way is the right way and unable to see that the ancient interpretations are false and need to change !

    A woman is equal to a man, not part of him or below him in any way. Eating pork is no more sin than eating beef or whichever animal. That everyone should have the freedom to choose what they wear, if they want to study and go to work, etc. That everyone can decide how he/she wants to live his life.
    It seems this natural human freedom is not allowed among islamic people.

    Islam and other religions are all ways to believe and live, it can be different but basic human rights should be equally followed by everyone -and everyone should understand that it is one GOD we all have. Faith does not justify doing anything harmful to another human, or animal, or the globe that we live on. It is simple like that, and felt in the heart -it cannot be lived through historical texts etc.

  • Alisha


    “You know, Muslims have to treat their women this way. Its in the Koran.”

    Where does it say this? I’ve read it, I think I would remember reading something like that. You are a hateful bigot, don’t write about things you know nothing about, it just makes you look like an ignorant douche.

  • Alisha,
    You need to brush up on your reading and comprehension skills. Its right there in the Koran, 4:34

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme.”

    Who’s the douche and hateful bigot now? I think its Muhammad.

  • Two cents

    I wonder if you’ve read the Bible by any chance… Unless you aren’t Christian either, in which case I’ll remove myself from this debate (I’m not religious myself but I have read some hilariously shocking things in the Bible that would surely beat your Koran excerpt in craziness and bigotry)…

    Also you say that any religion that condemns those who leave it to death should be considered a cult. Personally eternal damnation sounds pretty bad too. In my view you could classify a great deal of major religions as cults by some broad definition.

  • Zena

    A couple of years too late, but still on time: You are an American Idiot and, idiotically, proud of it. Do you, boo!

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