
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Megan Williams’ Boyfriend Was a Murderer

More information is coming out about what a horrible group of people Megan Williams, the so-called West Virginia torture victim, chose to hang out with.

Like Mother, Like Son.  Both Cold Killers.

I had written previously that Frankie Brewster, the mother of Megan’s boyfriend had served time for manslaughter.  What is news now is that the woman she killed was the 84-year-old mother of her live-in boyfriend and father of her son, Bobby. 

When Frankie Brewster killed the old lady, she went away to jail, leaving her 12-year-old son, Bobby behind, to live with his father, Bisha Tomblin.  Two years into her 5-year jail term, Bobby Brewster, then 14, took a gun murdered his father.  He was not tried as an adult.

From the Meadville Tribune here:

Frankie Brewster was charged in 1994 with first-degree murder in the shooting death of the 84-year-old mother of her live-in boyfriend. She was allowed to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter and wanton endangerment with a firearm, and served five years in prison.

Ten years ago, her son, Bobby Brewster, shot and killed the live-in boyfriend. But since he was only 14 then, it was handled in juvenile court and records were sealed.

Last March, Bobby Brewster was accused of attacking his mother with a machete.

Nice family.  Mom kills first, then the son kills.  Then the son threatens to kill Mom.  I see where Bobby got his respect for women.

Did Megan Williams know that the man she was dating was a cold-blooded killer?  She had already been beaten by him back in July, yet she still went back to him.  And if she did know he was a killer and a woman-beater, how could she be surprised that he turned on her and locked her in a shed?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Megan Williams’ Boyfriend Was a Murderer

  • I am not a victim of domestic violence, but I do tend to agree that victims have a very hard time leaving their abusers emotionally and physically.

    It’s not so clear cut as leaving the house and never looking back. If he threatened to find her no matter where she went she might have allowed herself to think it was “safer” to continue relations with him.

    Just another side of the coin…

  • Very true, Poppy. Regardless of the motivation to see this man, she is lucky to have escaped with her life intact.

  • MamaCee

    On average, domestic violence victims return 7 times to their abuser before leaving for good .
    According to one of the arresting officers in this case,This was more about drugs than it was about race. Ms Williams had been in a shelter and Bobby Ray had been in jail. When he got out she went back to him, probably because she wanted to do more drugs and life with him did not seem as bad as life in a shelter. She probably, naively, believed that he didn’t want to go back to jail, and thus wouldn’t assault her. Poor woman! She will probably never recover from this. 30% of all victims of sex abuse go on to commit suicide. Her abuse is so horrific and the details just keep getting worse. Now Frankie Brewster says Bobby Ray forced Ms Williams to eat HIs shit and drink piss from a cup. All I (we) can do is pray for her and hope she finds the strength somewhere deep inside to move on.

  • MamaCee,

    Thanks for your comment. I didn’t know that Megan had spent time in a shelter. And yes, it is so sad what she will be going through to deal with her assault.

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