
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ChinaStupid People

Dinosaur Fossils Devoured by Chinese Hicks

I thought that under a communist regime, all of the people get a quality education?  If so, then why are the Chinese so stupid that they still believe that the giant fossils they dig up and grind into folk medicine cures comes from dragons instead of the valuable dinosaur bones they really are?  The answer must be that Communist education is worthless.  And why would the people have the need for folk medicine if the Communist medical system was as awesome as it is purported to be?

And again, this is a fine example why some cultures are not as valuable as others.  In the west, we value archaeology and paleontology.  In China, they eat the bones because they are uneducated and sickly.

From the AP here:

Villagers in central China spent decades digging up bones they believed belonged to flying dragons and using them in traditional medicines. Turns out the bones belonged to dinosaurs, and now scientists are doing the digging.
Until last year, the fossils were being sold in Henan province as “dragon bones” at about 25 cents a pound, scientist Dong Zhiming said Wednesday.

The calcium-rich bones were sometimes boiled with other ingredients and fed to children to treat dizziness and leg cramps. Other times they were ground up and turned into a paste applied directly to fractures and other injuries, he said.

When the villagers found out last year the bones were from dinosaurs, they donated 440 pounds for research. Over the last two decades, the villagers had dug up an estimated 1 ton of bones.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Dinosaur Fossils Devoured by Chinese Hicks

  • You know… I used to like your blog. But after hearing you bash groups: Muslims, Chinese… etc, I have determined that you are an ignorant and hateful fool.

    Let me just tell you this. There are stupid people in every group and nation. That DOES NOT mean that an entire group, or entire religion is dumb.

    By the way, most Chinese children learn long division when they are in first grade. Compare a Chinese third grader with an American third grader in mathematics or science. There’s no question who will do better. You know why? Because the United States school system SUCKS compared to a lot of other nations.

  • Giddy,
    If their education system is so great, why do they do stupid things such as grind up dinosaur bones to make soup? And I’m not talking about just two or three guys living in China.

    This is a whole Village. A whole village that is taught by the national Chinese education system, who may or may not have learned math, but have no clue what a dinosaur is nor the value of the archaeological find they were sitting on.

    And I doubt the veracity of your statement that Chinese 3rd graders are a whiz at math. Even if they are, they will never know what its like to have a brother or a sister because the country forces their moms to have abortions if they conceive more than one kid.

    You don’t like it when I say that other cultures are crappy? Fine, go read someone else’s blog. But some other cultures on this planet are backwards, wrong and in some cases, downright evil.

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