
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

Don’t Feed the Parakeets

There are flocks of wild parakeets in San Francisco, especially in the Telegraph Hill section. These birds are beautiful, with red faces, and the wild birds are even listed on some tourist brochures and websites. But the City Council just passed a law making it illegal to give them bird seed. Why? Because the leftists in charge of the city are afraid that the birds will somehow forget how to eat on their own.

From NPR here:

The city of San Francisco has issued a ban on feeding the flocks of wild parakeets that have taken up residence in the city, fearing that constant feeding could endanger the birds by degrading their ability to feed on their own.

So by this standard, what if the birds are already dependent on the handouts from people? Are they sentencing those animals to death? Does San Francisco expect that the birds will move out of town and go somewhere where people appreciate them and feed them?

And why can’t San Francisco apply this same unfailing logic to dealing with flocks of humans with no jobs and nowhere to live, affectionately called “homeless?” Do they think if they keep feeding the homeless that they will degrade their ability to feed on their own?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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