
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid People

The French are Sissies

Yeah, I know, this is hardly headline news. Massive protests all over France today. It seems that someone tried to pass a law that it is okay to fire someone from a job in the first two years if that person is a slacker. Well, those gold bricker Frenchmen will have nothing to do with that! Viva la Revolution!

Slacker French can't even find the energy to Protest Hard, much less work hard.

From the AP:

PARIS – Nationwide strikes disrupted airline, train and bus service, closed the Eiffel Tower and sent hundreds of thousands of protesters into the streets across France on Tuesday as unions joined in solidarity with students angered by a new labor law.

Tuesday’s strikes represented the first time that the unions had ordered walkouts in support of the student protests of the labor law, which would make it easier for companies to fire young workers.

Organizers estimated that 3 million people joined marches across the country claiming 700,000 in Paris alone. Police estimates were far lower.

Some of the marchers in Paris skirmished with each other, as union members armed with truncheons charged several dozen youths who tried to break into a lingerie store. Other demonstrators threw stones, traffic cones and other projectiles at riot police, who surged repeatedly into the crowds to make arrests.

I was watching the riots on Fox News and saw a bunch of French men and boys throwing things at the befuddled French Police, who were all wearing riot gear and wielding Lexan shields.

The police are in no danger. The French throw like girls.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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