
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Al Gore is an Eco-Religionist

And the failed politician even stars in a new movie all about this religion of worshiping the Earth and its Eco-System. The Movie is not out yet, but the trailer is here. Gore serves as the Preacher for this religion, and he tells everyone how we have all sinned by using nuclear power and oil. And corporations are evil of course.

Newsweek celebrates its 31 year anniversary on Climate Change alarmism over a probable pending Ice Age by doing a Puff Piece on Reverend Al and this stupid movie.

The trailer says, If you love your planet… If you love your children… You have to see this film. Its a bit disingenuous to phrase it that way, I mean, after all, who doesn’t love the planet, which is life, and who doesn’t love kids?

And of course, it has deep, ominous crashing sounds. And shots of giant cooling towers from an unknown Nuclear plant encroaching on some tiny neighborhood. I think its photoshopped. And isn’t Nuclear energy non-polluting to the atmosphere, which would never contribute to the mythical “Global Climate Change?” But of course, they have to show nuclear energy too, because in this religion, any use of energy is a sin, and Nuclear energy is the biggest sin of all.

The rest of the trailer goes on to try to blame Bush for Katrina, and for some reason, the trailer also shows a nuclear bomb going off. Is this supposed to be a movie, or is this a really long campaign commercial?

My prediction is that this movie is long on “problems” and offers no solutions. What does Reverend Al want all of us energy sinners to do? Vote for him so he can ruin our economy by forcing us to revert to an Agrarian Society? Didn’t Pol Pot try that with the Cambodians? How did that work out?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Al Gore is an Eco-Religionist

  • The trailer is definitely over-dramatic… but I was suprised at how good the film was (I got to see a sneak preview a few weeks ago)

    There is no mention of “evil” corporations
    There is no mention of nucelar power
    Bush is not blamed for anything, in fact the only time we see bush is in a mildly annoying “Flashback” for the purposes of setting the stage for gore’s post election life…
    It does not offer as many solutions as it should, however, that’s my one dissapointment with it. Anyway, check it out, then debate…

  • MMmmm, no, I don’t have to contribute to the Gore campaign or send in money, or see the movie in order to be in the debate on this one. Its amazing though, with my Karnak-like powers, I was almost 100% correct about the content of the movie without seeing it.

    Gore has widely publicized that he would like to see corporations bear the financial load of reducing carbon emissions, or the “sin” according to his religion. And how do you really come up with solutions to a fake problem anyways?

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