
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BabyBelchBelch.ComRogue Kitty

Close Encounter of the Stinky Kind

I got home late last night and helped put a cranky baby to bed. My wife and I then went to sit on the front porch of our townhouse to enjoy the first warm evening of the season. Rogue, the tiny fraidy cat, came out to nibble shoots of grass and keep us company.

Also keeping us company from the corner of the garage was what I thought at first to be the neighbor’s cat. Then I saw the white striped tail. That was no kitty. “No sudden moves!” I urged my wife in a hushed, yet firm tone.

“Oh my god! I’ll grab the cat!” she declared, scooping up Rogue suddenly and rushing inside.

Luckily the skunk went back around the corner without uncorking her defenses. I need to have a discussion about what constitutes “sudden moves” with my wife.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Close Encounter of the Stinky Kind

  • In your wife’s defense that’s kind of like saying ‘Don’t make any sudden moves, there’s a rattlesnake on your foot.’

  • A good chuckle is always good, Pat. Thanks! [I can assure you that if my husband said this to me – I’d have done the exact same thing your wife did.]

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