
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionPoliticsStupid People

Berkeley Wants to Ban Cell Towers

Berkeley California is chock full o’ moonbats. And for a city more famous for its college and its scientific research than anything else, you would think that the city would be up to speed on scientific principles. But no, they embrace everything that has to do with junk science.

Moonbats fear cell towers almost as much as Global Warming.

The latest moonbat douchebaggery has to do with the city council overturning the city’s zoning board who wanted to ban cell phone towers because they claimed cellular signals were dangerous to peoples’ health. When the zoning board denied the permits needed for Verizon to place antennas on a storage building, Verizon sued. Lawyers for Berkeley told the city that they needed to allow Verizon to do it because there was no scientific evidence to back their stupid claims that cell signals were hazardous.

From SFGate here:

Dozens of south Berkeley residents packed the council chambers at this week’s meeting, waving signs while jeering and heckling the council and attorneys. Some speakers said that radiation emitted from the antennas is a health risk and that too many of the towers are clustered in their neighborhood.

The World Health Organization, in a recent report, concluded that cell phones and cell-phone towers pose little risk to health. It also stated that more research needs to be done.

Councilwoman Dona Spring voted in favor of overturning the zoning board, but advised the city to take other action to reduce the number of telecommunications antennas.

When we start getting tumors and our babies start dying, we’ll know in the future the negative health effects of these things,” she said. “But one thing we can do now is to reduce demand – only use cell phones for emergencies and use land lines for computers.”

Ah, the ignorance of liberalism. Ban cellphones because they are certain that the radiation is bad, despite what scientists claim. Ban cars because carbon is going to cause Global Warming, despite the lack of proof for their claims. But experiment on aborted fetuses for stem cell research, ’cause that can cure diseases- despite that research has shown it won’t. Perverting science with politics usually leads to people dying.

If the residents of Berkeley are so concerned about their health, why do they live in an active earthquake zone? Thanks to Dan Riehl for the heads up.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Berkeley Wants to Ban Cell Towers

  • rawr_fgt

    i’d ban them too if they were verizon, they are the most horrible company ever. well. only the wireless part. regular verizon is awesome, i have fios =]

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