
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreCrimeYou're Fired!

When You Love Dogs Too Much

I have no idea what is wrong with people. This is “animal lover” Gustavo Castanon. He is a disgusting human being. Seriously, dude, a Basset Hound??

From the Devner Post here:

Gustavo Castanon, 33, of Denver is being held at the Denver Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail after being arrested Wednesday on suspicion of animal cruelty, a misdemeanor charge, said Sonny Jackson, a Denver police spokesman. Castanon is accused of coaxing the dog to perform oral sex.

Castanon also has been suspended from his volunteer position for “inappropriate behavior with a dog,” a shelter official said. In 1998, Castanon was arrested for unlawful public indecency in Cheesman Park, according to court records. He pleaded guilty to the charge and paid a fine of $200 and court costs.

Arrested in a park? That code for teh ghey.

A witness told investigators that Castanon had sexual contact with a basset hound at the shelter Saturday. Police were notified Monday. Ellen Dumm, a spokeswoman with Denver Environmental Health, declined to go into details. She said the dog was not physically harmed.

There’s a big yuck factor here,” Dumm said.

I hope the creepy pervert gets fired from his stupid bagel job too for wearing his uniform shirt to his booking photo.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “When You Love Dogs Too Much

  • Gregory

    When you call his girlfriend a dog he says “so”. This is why is sucks to be a public defender. Your mention of his job reminds me of the old joke, who is the most popular guy at the nudist colony? The guy who can carry two pots of coffee and six bagels at the same time.

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