
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreStupid PeopleWhy Homeschool?

Reason 106 to HomeSchool: School Won’t Try to Force Deaf 3YO to Change His Name

A little deaf boy named Hunter has to use American Sign Language to say what his name is. It looks like two pistols shooting. So naturally the zero-tolerance idiots who are in charge of the school system wants to ban him from using that sign because GUNS IN SCHOOL! Liberals are completely incapable of thinking for themselves and making an intelligent exception to a rule.

From FoxNews here:

The parents of a 3-year-old deaf boy from Nebraska say his preschool told them he must change the way he signs his name because it looks like a finger-pistol, but the school says the family has their signals crossed.
The family of pre-schooler Hunter Spanjer said officials at the Grand Island Public Schools told them the manner in which the boy signs his name is a violation of its “weapons in school” policy. The claim they were told Hunter had to modify the way he signs his moniker to comply with the school’s zero tolerance code against weapons in school.

Its hilarious when a 3 year old deaf and dumb kid is smarter than the teachers, right?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Reason 106 to HomeSchool: School Won’t Try to Force Deaf 3YO to Change His Name

  • Unbelievable… Idiots.

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