
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BabyBelchFloridaGunsWhy Homeschool?

Guns Dont Cause School Shootings. Schools Do.

There are two things that all school shootings have in common.  Guns and Schools.  One is protected by the United States Constitution’s Second Amendment.  The other is never mentioned in the constitution.  That’s correct.  School is not a right, but a privilege.  Americans also have the right to freely associate with whomever they choose.  However, when it comes to schools, there is no way to DISassociate from troubled kids and psychos because the society we live in treats schools like a right, not a privilege.  And that’s how school shootings happen.

I don’t know if the school environments are creating these monsters who shoot up their classmates.  I suspect it has more to do with social media and its impact on growing minds.  While technology has miraculous abilities to tie us all together it also leaves some kids isolated, angry, envious and alone.  This is not the fault of the social media platforms, just a side effect.  Like most parents, I don’t have an answer to this.  Stripping law abiding citizens of their rights is not an option, however.  But homeschooling IS.

I can put all the restrictions on my child’s use of the internet and social media to prevent him from feeling ostracized or left out in school.  But with thousands of children in a school, there is no way to trust other parents from doing the same.  My kid will not become a school shooter, but the kid up the street might.  Even if guns were stripped from citizens, the pattern will still continue.  Psychotic kids will find other ways to murder their classmates.  Strip away the gun problem and you are still left with one of the two common factors of school shootings-  the school.

There is more talk than ever among fellow parents about homeschooling.  Liberals want to boycott schools until Congress comes up with “common sense” gun laws, which, by the way, already exist.  Conservatives are realizing that sending kinds into a meat grinder on a daily basis with their fingers crossed is not a realistic way to live either.

Given the ubiquitous use of collaboration platforms and video conferencing software, it should be possible to decentralize the schools today.  I am blessed to live in a state where virtual schools are a right, and FREE to all.  Maybe the left and the right can come to the same conclusion.  It is time to decentralize the schools.  We should no longer shove kids together that cannot cope with social media and televised bombardments of questionable content.  Its time that we as parents take back the education we owe our children without exposing them to the risks of terror.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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