
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?

ADHD Kid Punished for Recording Bullies

This was linked from Drudge today with one of the most misleading headlines ever- “Special-Ed Student Who Recorded Bullies Accused of Felony Wiretapping.” The kid is not special needs. He has ADHD, which is an acronym meaning “Annoying Little Shithead” and since no phones were tapped, it couldn’t possibly be wiretapping. The real story is below:


From Vocativ here:

In Pennsylvania, a high school sophomore with developmental disabilities was convicted of a crime after recording classmates threatening to “pull down his pants”.

After being regularly shoved and tripped, and nearly burned with a cigarette lighter, a tormented special-needs student in Pennsylvania decided to take matters into his own hands. He secretly recorded the abuse on his school-issued iPad, and his mother eventually submitted the evidence to the school’s principal.

The Pennsylvania student, a sophomore, was previously diagnosed with comprehension-delay disorder, anxiety disorder and ADHD.

The original recording was suspiciously deleted by school authorities, though the boy’s mother, Shea Love, recounted it during the hearing.

Love eventually reported it to the South Fayette High School principal who, instead of disciplining the bullies involved, called the police to interrogate her “visibly distraught” son. When Love arrived, the principal said the student was facing felony wiretapping charges because he had made a recording in a place where there is an expectation of privacy. The officer agreed but eventually reduced the charge to disorderly conduct on the basis that the student engaged in offensive actions “which served no legitimate purpose.

So it was the principal who made up the charges of Felony Wiretapping, not the cops. The student is not retarded, as the headlines suggest. The cop just wrote the annoying little shit a ticket for being a drama llama.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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