
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreStupid People

Gotta Have Balls to Turn Down a Million Bucks

A black man in Vegas has a disease which gave him balls that weigh 100 pounds. He has to wear a hoodie on his legs and use the hood to tie up his nutsack to keep it from dragging the ground when he walks. A doctor offered to perform surgery to fix him but he turned it down after he became famous for his disfigurement.

From the DailyMail here:

Man with 100-pound scrotum REJECTS offers to perform $1 million corrective surgery for free because his giant organ has made him famous

A Las Vegas man who suffers from a rare condition that made his scrotum swell to 100 pounds is basking in the fame that his giant organ has brought him. In fact, the attention is proving so intoxicating that Wesley Warren Jr turned down an offer to perform the $1 million corrective surgery for free because he would have had to give up the rights to his story.

The watermelon-size scrotum Mr Warren carries between his legs has landed him on the Howard Stern Show and the Comedy Central program Tosh.0 and made him a local celebrity in his hometown.

When Mr Warren spoke with a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal in October, he became emotional as he described the pain and humiliation of carrying the deformed genitals. He said he suffered from deep bouts of depression and health complications.

He must wear a hooded sweatshirt on his legs when he’s out of public to contain his enormous scrotum. His penis is buried so deeply in the abnormal growth that he is forced to urinate on himself.

Fast-forward six months after Mr Warren’s story spread across the globe. He grinned as he told the same reporter about his appearance on Tosh.0.

The massive swelling is caused by fluid building up in his scrotum. Doctors must remove the excess tissue and then completely rebuild his scrotum. There’s also a chance, and not a small one, that complications could force the surgeons to cut off his penis and testicles if his scrotum won’t stop bleeding.

So many young people today only want to be famous. And to some, gigantic bleedy balls is the way to fame.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Gotta Have Balls to Turn Down a Million Bucks

  • I initially heard of this guy on the Howard Stern show and felt tremendously sorry for him regarding his plight in trying to obtain care for this condition. But to hear that he is refusing surgery in order to remain “famous” for his big balls is beyond me. This country is full of idiots.

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