
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Time Agrees with Me- It is the Year of the Mob

I first started talking about how 2011 was the year of the Mob back in early march. The Arab spring was in full bloom, but more importantly, Anonymous was running rampant, State Houses were shut down by leftist agitators, and Ann Coulter’s outstanding book Demonic was due to hit the shelves. Now Time Magazine has named the Mob the person of the year. Actually, the protester, but its the building block of a mob.

Mobs are dangerous, and left unchecked, all throughout history, they are murderous. Our constitution was founded specifically as a reaction to a mob rebellion which doomed the Articles of Confederacy. And it seems with a liberal Democrat in office, the mobs are running wild. The Occupy Wall Street mob actions are not protests- they are dangerous illegal gatherings that are endangering lives and commerce.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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