
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Jamey Rodemeyer Confirms: It Only Gets Better With Suicide

Jamey Rodemeyer became an hero last Monday, killing himself in front of his house because, despite participating in the hilarious “It Gets Better Project,” Jamey thought the only way his life could get better is to become wormfood. So he commited a public hate crime and killed a gay boy on his parents’ front lawn.

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I don’t know who this Lady Gaga fella is, but I might go out and get one of his records if whiny kids are killing themselves over it.

Jamey Rodemeyer had plenty of support in his life- Both parents were around but working, and Jamey was seeing a psychologist as well as a social worker and had apparently had suicidal tendencies since 5th grade.

From here:

Suicide and bullying, however, seemed to remain at the forefront of Jamey’s mind and in his writing, and and on Sept. 8 he posted online about Suicide Prevention Week (Sept. 4-10). “No one in my school cares about preventing suicide, while you’re the ones calling me [gay slur] and tearing me down.”

“I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens,” he wrote the following day. “What do I have to do so people will listen to me?”

Both his family and friends were aware of Jamey’s suicidal thoughts for some time, his mother told the Buffalo News. “He was totally against bullying,” she said. “He has had issues since fifth grade. He had suicidal tendencies back then.” She says her son was in the care of both a therapist and a social worker.

So a mentally ill child who had been attempting or thinking about suicide since 5th grade is suddenly dead because of intolerant people? Puh-Leeeze. Jamey was probably sexually assaulted and simply never told anyone who it was, blaming himself for the assault. And the social workers and therapists probably thought he was just a confused gay kid rather than a victim of a violent act. Maybe Lady Gaga will dedicate a song to the dead kid. Then it will get better, right?

To Moms and Dads out there who have a kid getting on the Internet, writing about suicide and being gay, how about taking internet access away from the kid? How about staying at home instead of working so your distraught kid has someone to talk to in the afternoon instead of offing himself on the front lawn? Just an idea.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Jamey Rodemeyer Confirms: It Only Gets Better With Suicide

  • fucking win.
    gay/straight/black noone gives a shit. stand the hell up, and if you can’t- either weed yourself out or let nature do it for you.

    great blog.

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