
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Kitty Don’t Wanna Smoke Smack

So a cat’s dead. From being forced to smoke heroin. And Danielle Blankenship, the girl who was holding the cat while smoking heroin is now in jail. Not because it is a crime to smoke heroin, a powerful and often deadly narcotic- Nope, she killed a household pet. That’s punishable, not, apparently, smoking an illegal narcotic.


And the girl was 21? How can a girl hit what I hope is rock bottom for her at such a young age? Seriously, it bothers me that there are more restrictions, and punishment this stupid woman will endure now, for having killed a stupid cat, than for the drug abuse. The state of Colorado probably has a watchlist for bad pet owners and Danielle Blankenship will likely never be allowed to be within 10 feet of a cat. But she can smoke all the crack and smack she wants to because no one cares about humans harming themselves with drugs.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Kitty Don’t Wanna Smoke Smack

  • I don’t really care if humans hurt themselves with illicit drugs. If you’re retarded enough to start taking them in the first place, you pretty much deserve what ever happens to you. I do care if they hurt other humans….or kill cats.

  • You sorta prove my point Ed. Sadly no one really values human life.

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