
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionScienceStupid People

Organically Grown Sprouts Caused German Deaths UPDATE: No They Didn’t

So now they are saying that it might not have been the cucumbers that are killing everyone, even though they were indeed infected with a strain of E-Coli- it was the sprouts that probably gave everyone a case of the death shits.

From the WSJ here:

German officials said late Sunday that domestically grown bean sprouts may be the source of the Escherichia coli outbreak that has killed 22 people and sickened at least 1,600.

The bean-sprout supplier, located in southern Lower Saxony, has been shut down and its products have been recalled. The E. coli-infected sprouts are undergoing tests to determine if they might be one of or the only source of the outbreak.

Know what kills bacteria on vegetables? Radiation. Too bad leftist nutbags won’t allow food to be sterilized that way. In fact, Germany is steadfastly against irradiating food for safety while other EU countries like France and the Netherlands routinely irradiate food.

Globally, national legislation is still very divergent. For instance, the European Union has still not reached agreement on a guideline for the regulation of food irradiation, due to resistance from Germany. In contrast to Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and France routinely irradiate many foods.

UPDATE: Now the Germans are saying that the Organic Sprout farm they shut down was not the cause of the death shits.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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