
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Daughter of Malcolm X Denied Bail for Black History Month

Malikah Shabazz, the made-up african name for this manly looking daughter of Malcolm X, can’t make bail because she is a known fugitive for defrauding an elderly widow of over 50 thousand dollars.

Maybe she should just try to speak truth to power, huh? Had to defraud the widow of her dead dad’s body guard by any means necessary. From the UPI here:

A daughter of Malcolm X must stay in a North Carolina jail until she is taken to New York to face charges there.

District Court Judge Greg Horne denied Malikah Shabazz’s request for bond Tuesday.

Shabazz was arrested Friday in Mars Hill on warrants from New York, where she faces numerous charges of swindling more than $55,000 via credit card fraud out of Khaula Bakr, 70, the widow of a bodyguard who was with Malcolm X when he was assassinated in 1965.

Horne gave New York authorities until March 4 to get Shabazz. If she is still in North Carolina then, he will reconsider bond, the Citizen-Times reported.

Shabazz’s 13-year-old daughter has been in state custody since the arrest.

Aww, the granddaughter of Malcolm X is a foster child? Where is Jesse Jackson and his social justice network? Oh yeah, in Wisconsin protecting the rights of rich white union thugs.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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