
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsRoPStupid People

Governor Paterson Expected to Ask Jewish Leader Not to Build Ground Zero Mosque

In the news today, it was announced that Governor Paterson, Democrat of New York, will ask the Imam not to build the ground zero mosque, but we can fully expect him to mistakely ask some random rabii about it instead. He just can’t see how deeply this issue has divided the country.

From Reuters here:

New York Governor David Paterson plans to discuss relocating a proposed Muslim cultural center and mosque to a less emotionally charged location farther away from New York City’s “Ground Zero” site of the September 11 attacks.

“We are working with the developers,” Paterson’s spokeswoman Maggie McKeon said. “There have not been any formal discussions between the governor, the imam or the developer. However, we expect to have a meeting scheduled in the near future.”

U.S. Representative Peter King of New York said he discussed the issue with Paterson on Tuesday and the governor told him he would meet this week with Muslim officials to discuss providing state funds to help the center find another location.

The project, planned for two blocks from the site of the September 11, 2001, attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center towers and killed close to 3,000 people, has stirred a national debate over whether the Muslim center should be constructed there.

Of course Muslims love receiving tribute so they will not do something people dislike. All the better if its taxpayer money. I say let them build the stupid mosque. But bribing them to not build it? That’s disgusting.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

8 thoughts on “Governor Paterson Expected to Ask Jewish Leader Not to Build Ground Zero Mosque

  • You already know he’s going to end up talking to a lamp post… I’m just amazed that they aren’t building it ON Ground Zero (a name which should be changed to ‘The Spot Where islam Showed it’s Hand’). Looking back through history, they seem to have a track record of doing that… Oh, wait. My bad. They only do that after they annihilate Jews or Christians from a particular area… THEN they build the mosque in on top of the church…

  • Endersdragon

    Robb, so are you trying to say that Christians have never killed people then built a church on the spot they were killed? Just trying to make sure thats what your saying.

  • LOL. That’s right. Christians DON’T do that. Muslims DO. Present tense. How many centuries back will you dig to find anecdotal evidence of your imaginary Christian atrocities Bryan?

  • Endersdragon

    The Rwandan genocide had some relegious motivations, and the Catholic church denied it was going on at first, and several major Christian leaders have been convicted for their actions.

    How about Serbia killing Kosovars, is that imaginary (you can’t say it wasn’t at all motivated by religion)? The whole break up of the former Yugoslavia had a lot of atrocities, mostly committed by Christian Serbs.

    How about the actions of the IRA, granted that was one set of Christians killing another, but you can’t say there weren’t atrocities there.

    How about KKK church burnings, once again one Christian group against another, but certainly Christian violence.

    Then there is the Holocaust, most Nazis were Christians (even if not exactly true Christians).

    So what was that, so that was about a decade… 1/10 of a century. Of course you will deny that all of them had any religious motivation, but any decent social scientist would laugh in your face if you said that, especcially when it comes to organizations like the IRA.

  • you are off topic again. This is about a wartime act and the attempt to thrust a religion upon a people. None of what you mentioned has an example of what these muslims are doing at the ground zero mosque.

  • Endersdragon

    So basically killing people isn’t the bad thing because Christains do that (A LOT) too, building a church on the spot where you killed them is the bad thing? WTF? This is a capitalist society, if you don’t want them to build a mosque there, buy the land from them just like they bought it. If you don’t want to do that, stop pissing and moaning like a little child.

  • Muslims kill far many more than any other religion. And yes, it is a capitalistic country and I actually don’t have any problem with people spending their own money on whatever they want. But we also have the right to criticize the wisdom of the act and laugh and point at a blind governor who gets dragged into a situation that was created by the insensitivity of the muslims.

  • Endersdragon

    Hmmm seems to be the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust were the two biggest genocides of the 20th century, and I would be willing to bet that the Serbian genocide is in the top 5. Christian, Christian, and Christian. But I am sure you are right.

    It could also be said that he was dragged into this situation by overly sensitive Christians. Right now its either violate the 1st Amendment (thus creating a quite slipperly slope where Christians could have all sorts of negative things happen to them and indeed people of every religion) or let them build it. All this pissing, moaning, and complaining should just stop.

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