
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Was Oksana Blackmailing Mel?

When Mel Gibson left Oksana, he gave her 15 Million bucks in support. That should be enough for anyone to live comfortably in southern California or anywhere else, for a long time. But that amount may not have been enough, which may have prompted her to go after Mel to ruin his career in a nuclear option move to tape record him being abusive toward her. Up the payments or she would release the tapes.

The cops are looking into this theory. From USAToday here:

Sheriff’s detectives in Los Angeles are checking extortion allegations against Mel Gibson’s ex-girlfriend.

Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore says the agency is looking into whether Russian singer Oksana Grigorieva may have tried to extort the Academy Award-winner.

And from THR here:

Oksana Grigorieva wrote Gibson a text message explaining why she had surreptitiously recorded their conversations. Grigorieva wrote that the reason she recorded him was because “you broke your agreement with me.”

There are additional e-mails that likely will be used by Gibson’s attorneys to prove that Grigorieva attempted to use the tapes to extort money from Gibson.

During a June 22 court hearing, the judge sharply criticized Freid’s conduct in obtaining a temporary restraining order the day before for his client, specifically noting Grigorieva’s failure to tell the court about a previous $15 million settlement agreement between herself and Gibson.

“Manley Freid’s strategy accomplished nothing,” a source said. “It’s all out there now. They pressed the nuclear button and Gibson is still basically standing. There’s zero upside for Grigorieva in terms of money, custody and visitation.”

I said before that I thought Mel was right about Oksana and that she was indeed ruining Mel’s life and he knew it. Those taped conversations didn’t make me think Mel was crazy- just desperate to get his life back on track.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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