
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Sandra Bullock is Stupid

Only two words can describe “Bombshell Magee,” the tattooed freakshow Jesse James, Sandra Bullock’s husband, had been slipping his willie into:

Gross Buckets

I say Sandra Bullock is stupid because she knew what kind of man her husband was when she married him. He used to bang porn stars, so duh, Jesse is a scumbag. Did Sandra Bullock think she was going to convert this bad boy into a dedicated doting husband? Was he a project she was working on? Greg Gutfeld thinks she was stupid too. He says here:

Onto the “women are stupid” part. As much as I sympathize with Sandra Bullock – who I`ve had a crush on since “Love Potion No. 9,” she should have known better. She should know the difference between dirtbags and nondirtbags. Her husband is a dirtbag. He used to date porn stars. As an expert in red flags would say, “Holy fuck – that`s a red flag.” What does this mean? Well, there are millions of good men out there, millions who would have been happy to make Sandra happy for the rest of her life. But she chose this creep. Why? Because the way men find sexual risk-taking exciting, women find emotional adventures equally a thrill. Good women choose bad men all the time. And all the good men are left wondering, “what`s wrong with me?”

I thought she was stupid because she gets what she asked for. But is Greg Gutfeld right? Do women go after bad boys for the emotional thrill?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

7 thoughts on “Sandra Bullock is Stupid

  • Amsiker

    I used to like Sandra but the choices she made with that Jesse guy made me disappointed. Sandra used to be good in my eye not anymore

  • omg I could not agree more with this article. She is so beautiful doesn’t she realize she could have done so much better. Why Jesse James he’s a dirtbag YUK, I would never get with a man that was with porn stars HELLO YEA RED FLAG!!!Be afraid of getting something too. She is stupid for that decision. Have no clue what she saw in that. I dunno but I’m totally turned off by bad boys…

  • Sharon, you probably don’t have any emotional issues and have a great Dad. That’s why you aren’t into the bad boys.

  • What happened to Sandra Bullock besides getting old? Marrying a dirt bag and adopting a black child. Aren’t there enough white children to adopt? Not sure what she is trying to prove because the black baby may have been better off with a family of his own race.

  • She is a total loser. The whole world is laughing at her, oh well, poor jesse really paid her back for her stupidity, I bet she will never remove that skid mark from her face, ha ha ha

  • Vero,Most black people don’t adopt they give tgere kids away.

  • Sharon,Porn stars are tested for std’s before each video
    You would have a higher risk of catching something from a
    your lover with a condom in use.
    Maybe Sandra trusted him because people can change or maybe
    It turns her on to know he is experienced in the bed from banging the oros?

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