
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Latest Eco-Sin: Bad Golfers

You’ve heard of carbon credits? Now golfers are going to likely have to pay an eco-tax of some sort because they can’t hang onto their balls. Read below to see the incessant whining of eco-worshipping hippies who think you are a bad person if you golf.

From CNN here:

Research teams at the Danish Golf Union have discovered it takes between 100 to 1,000 years for a golf ball to decompose naturally. A startling fact when it is also estimated 300 million balls are lost or discarded in the United States alone, every year. It seems the simple plastic golf ball is increasingly becoming a major litter problem.

The scale of the dilemma was underlined recently in Scotland, where scientists — who scoured the watery depths in a submarine hoping to discover evidence of the prehistoric Loch Ness monster — were surprised to find hundreds of thousands of golf balls lining the bed of the loch. It is thought tourists and locals have used the loch as an alternative driving range for many years.

It was found that during decomposition, the golf balls dissolved to release a high quantity of heavy metals. Dangerous levels of zinc were found in the synthetic rubber filling used in solid core golf balls. When submerged in water, the zinc attached itself to the ground sediment and poisoned the surrounding flora and fauna.

UK lawmaker Patrick Harvie told CNN: “From the moon to the bottom of Loch Ness, golf balls are humanity’s signature litter in the most inaccessible locations.”

So what is the solution? Harvie had this advice: “Keep your balls on the fairway or invest in a stock of biodegradable balls.”

Yeah those golf balls Alan Shepard hit on the moon are killing all of the lunar wildlife. I dare you eco-hippies to complain to a golfer in the face about his impact on the environment. Especially when he’s holding a 4 iron.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Latest Eco-Sin: Bad Golfers

  • Gregory

    I don’t consider my golf game pollution, but it does stink.

  • Steve

    RE: “I dare you eco-hippies to complain to a golfer in the face about his impact on the environment. Especially when he’s holding a 4 iron.”

    Yup, you’re right, golfers are assholes: they’ll physically attack you for speaking to them about the water we all drink and the air we all breath.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    They came for the golfers, but I did not golf, so I said nothing.
    Remind you of anything? I mean…where does it end?
    With all things and all endeavors regulated.

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