
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Googley Eyed Governor Accepts Free World Series Tickets

Googley-eyed New York Governor David Paterson accepted free baseball tickets to the World Series, featuring the NY Yankees. The problem is that Major League Baseball is a state registered lobbyist, so it made the free ticket gift illegal. As to why a blind guy would want to go to a baseball game he couldn’t see is anyone’s guess.

From NYDailyNews here:

Gov. Paterson insisted Tuesday he always planned to pay for four of the five tickets he got for Game 1 of the World Series.

He told reporters he thought he was entitled to a free seat as governor because the World Series represents an important event for the state.

“We paid for all the rest of the tickets,” Paterson said Tuesday. “The issue as to what I should be doing is important.”

A Paterson spokeswoman said checks to cover four of the five $425 seats, which were behind home plate, have been mailed. A team spokeswoman said the club got payment for two of the seats.

Public officers are barred from taking gifts from groups with business before the state that cost more than, say, a cup of coffee.

You could put the governor in a room with the baseball game on TV in surround sound and just tell him he’s at the game.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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