
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid PeopleTravel

Japs Think If You Pee Before You Fly, You Reduce “Carbon Footprint”

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Eco-worshipping whackjobs are self-loathing copromaniacs who are obsessed with their own bodily waste, buttholes and vaginas. I have documented previously how they want everyone to drink their own urine, and to restrict everyone to one piece of toilet paper, want to flush the toilet only once per week, and even reusing tampons.  They even want to ban flushing toilets altogether.   They even made a battery that requires you to pee into it to power it, getting urine all over your fingers.  These freaks think that two-ply toilet paper is more damaging to the environment than driving Hummers.  Instead of using MaxiPads, they insist you use these reusable eco-pads.  Also, they want to buy your used dildos for ten bucks as part of a perverted recycling program.  They even want you to wash your hands in the urinal to save water.  Now the Japanese, the precious givers of the Kyoto Treaty on Global Warming are forcing passengers to empty their bladders before flying to use less fuel.

From the DailyMail here:

A Japanese airline has started asking passengers to go to the toilet before boarding in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) claims that empty bladders mean lighter passengers, a lighter aircraft and thus lower fuel use.

Airline staff will be present at boarding gates in terminals to ask passengers waiting to fly to relieve themselves before boarding.

ANA hopes the weight saved will lead to a five-tonne reduction in carbon emissions over the course of 30 days.

Let’s pretend for a second that global warming is real, even though it isn’t. Why don’t leftist environmental whackos have any better ideas besides playing with pee and poop?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Japs Think If You Pee Before You Fly, You Reduce “Carbon Footprint”

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Also before boarding…please defecate, hack and spit three times, remove all body hair you’re not REALLY attached to, clip your finger and toenails, remove and dispose of your underwear,(can’t be seen anyway.), and hold your farts as they will make you lighter.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Oops…sorry for the double post…I got the impression that the first post had failed.
    Thought about the farts thing on the second try.
    My apologies.

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