
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Laptop Thieves Disturbed by Victim’s Content

A British man was busted for being a pedophile after his laptop was stolen in a robbery. The thieves checked the content, found photos and videos of child abuse, and turned the laptop over to the police.

From WeInterrupt.Com here:

Richard Coverdale, 24, of North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom was sentenced to three-and-a-half years jail after burglars discovered images and videos of child abuse on his laptop and turned it over to police.

Coverdale’s laptop was stolen during a burglary on August 19, 2008. However, on examining the contents of the laptop’s hard disk, the thieves discovered pornographic images that were disturbing enough that they felt compelled to turn it over to authorities.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Laptop Thieves Disturbed by Victim’s Content

  • They need to give him the snip snip and not let him have his laptop back…

  • Endersdragon

    Okay, the guy deserved what he got, but how can a lawyer not get over reasonable doubt here. Huge chain of custody issues here I would think…

  • Listen to you talk about chain of custody! Enders has been boning up on some basic computer security perhaps?

    But you are right about this. I think the story goes on to say that they used the information like a tip, found the victim, and allowed the victim to press the charges.

    The thieves eventually got busted too. And this is in England which has some different rules for presumption of innocence, which is NONE.

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