
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

Dirt-Worshipping Pot Smoking Mindset

The morons in the so-called “Green Movement” know nothing about the science they espouse. Despite the earth getting cooler they insist that we are undergoing “Global Warming.” They want to ban tobacco, which is tightly regulated, but marijuana, grown by some mountain degenerate using questionable farming methods is just fine. Anything “organic” equals good. Anything made by scientists working in a corporation equals poison. Want proof? Listen to this moron who called Loveline in 2004:


If you want to see the effect pot farmers have on the land check out this video. They litter and pump unauthorized chemicals and fertilizers into the soil and surrounding streams.

And the story here says that for every acre of marijuana plants grown by drug suppliers, they contaminate ten acres.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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