
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Reason 877 to HomeSchool: Marketing Teacher Won’t Take Your Cheerleader Daughter to the Gay Bar and Get Her Drunk

Lori Epperson has only been teaching a short while.  Her second year on the job and she decides that somehow, taking four cheerleaders to a gay bar to get drunk while watching men strip- on a school night, no less-  would be a good idea.

From here:

The Butler Tech teacher who took four Edgewood High School cheerleaders to a gay strip bar regrets her actions. Marketing teacher Lori Epperson resigned Thursday after being investigated by the career school for taking the girls in February to a Dayton gay bar featuring male dancers.

According to the April 10 letter the 37-year-old Epperson apologized and explained what happened that night.

The girls, ages 18 and 17, “wanted to go to a gay establishment,” Epperson wrote. “They continued to push the issue and I told them if they were that set on going I would prefer they go with me.”

Epperson contended the girls’ parents gave permission once she assured them there would be no drinking.

Once there, she wrote, the girls’ hands were stamped marking them as underage. However, the girls went upstairs where they were able to get drinks.

“After about 15 minutes, I went to look for them. They had found someone that was a brother of someone they knew. He bought them shots and cosmopolitans – a very strong drink. I told them we’re leaving because they disobeyed me by drinking,” she recounted.  One of the girls was “found in the bathroom throwing up” and had to be carried by Epperson to the car. She wrote that she “drove them home, lecturing the whole way.”

What on earth could she have lectured these future strippers cheerleaders about?  Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, never fear?

Blog of Hilarity has this take on the situation:

I should warn Ms. Epperson that the “The underaged girl was asking for it” defense rarely works, at least in my experiences.

Girls, it’s inappropriate for you to do things like this. Cheerleaders have a very high standard of excellence, primarily involving spelling out animal names rhythmically and getting deep dicked by a star high school quarterback who’s going to end up working at a Denny’s. … Shameful.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Reason 877 to HomeSchool: Marketing Teacher Won’t Take Your Cheerleader Daughter to the Gay Bar and Get Her Drunk

  • Endersdragon

    One time at an overnight speech tournament one of the assistant coaches (who was in her final year of college to become a teacher) went drinking and partying with a rival team. I do believe some of them were 15 or 16… so yeah, people are dumb with this shit.

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