
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


2:30 PM Music: Weird Al Yankovic- Virus Alert

In my career in information security, I have had to shoot down lots of panicked emails from helpful users who tried to send emails to say… the entire military distribution list- about some new virus that was confirmed by IBM to destroy all bits on your hard drive and had the side effect of lowering your sperm count. Those shoot-down emails had to go to the same group of users who received the virus warning to explain that no, there is no such virus, and the policy is that virus warnings come from the help desk/IT office/CTO desk/etc and please do not forward this spam email to anyone else because it creates panic and clogs up the email server. And more often than not, I ended up having to apologize to the dumbass Lieutenant Colonel who sent out the virus warning in the first place because sending out a correction embarrassed him/undermined command/made him look like a schmuck/ etc.

That is why I love this video by Weird Al.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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