
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


New [GAS] Post: Hacking Harvard

There was once a time whenyour company suffered a security breach, the damage was pretty much limited to the hacker, his friends, and your company.  You could recover from the breach, but the risk of exposure of data loss was still relatively small since it was basically limited to one attacker.

Not so much anymore.  Now hackers get a real kick of making the exposure as big as possible.  Case in point:  When Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences was hacked, the attacker uploaded the entire system backup of the webserver to Bit Torrent.  The server contained 10,000 entries on applicants to the school, including their social security numbers.  All because the sysadmin didn’t use a strong password.  Ouch. 

Read the rest over at [GAS].

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “New [GAS] Post: Hacking Harvard

  • When Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences was hacked, the attacker uploaded the entire system backup of the webserver to Bit Torrent.

    *JAW DROP*


    I am angry.

  • Evidently, its the thing to do now. Most hacker toolkits can take images of hard drives now, and either ftp them to an alternate site or to a hacked php server. But showing everyone on torrent? Dirty.

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