
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

Snow Deniers

Those that foolishly believe in manmade Global Warming venomously call skeptics “Global Warming Deniers” as if they are equating them to “holocaust deniers.” A warming planet has yet to kill a single person, but they wish to equate skeptics to those that say that 6 Million Jews didn’t die at the hands of Nazi Germany.

But there is proof, right before the eyes of the Global Warming Myth promoters that the Northern Hemisphere is undergoing one of the worst Winter seasons recorded in a century. And this follows one of the worst winters in the Southern Hemisphere too. There are photographs of snow in Buenos Aires for the first time in a century. There are photos of snow in Baghdad for the first time in a century. China is buried in the worst snowstorms in a century, stranding millions.

A Google News Search for “record snowfall” shows stories of death and mayhem due to heavy snow in places like Bickleton WA, Aspen CO, Ottawa Canada, and Madison WI.

And still the retarded drumbeat of Global Warming goes on and on and on. You know how you can tell you are a zealot? When you refuse to believe what your eyes are obviously telling you.  That makes them “Snow Deniers.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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