
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberStupid People

Girl Scout Leader Commits Identity Theft on Her Scouts

This is Holly Barnes. Judging by her size, she must have had a $200 per day Thin Mint habit. Why else would she have stolen the identities of 15 of her Girl Scouts and her own four children to file fraudulent tax returns in their names?

Fiending for Samoas.

She asked the IRS to refund almost 200 Thousand dollars worth of returns, and had already been granted 87,000 dollars of it before the IRS recognized the scam. She is facing up to 230 years in prison.

From the AP here:

A former Girl Scout leader pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing her Scouts’ identities in order to obtain $87,000 in illegal tax refunds.

Holly M. Barnes, 33, entered pleas to 19 counts of making false tax refund claims to the Internal Revenue Service and 15 counts of identity theft.

Barnes, who is being held in jail, could face a maximum of 230 years in prison on those charges and an unrelated shoplifting count when sentenced.

Barnes admitted asking parents of the girls in her troop to provide their children’s Social Security numbers for a fake medical release she claimed was required to take trips.

She then electronically filed false tax returns that included Social Security numbers of 15 Scouts and her own four children to obtain refunds.

Holly will likely never see her children grow up and graduate from High School. Worst identity thief ever.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Girl Scout Leader Commits Identity Theft on Her Scouts

    This woman may have been stupid and wrong to have done all that she did. but. that does NOT give you the fricking right to be so cruel about her weight. btw, if you have seen an updated picture of her in the past few months, this woman has lost a bunch of weight and looks completely different.
    I mean, really. Her PSYCHOPATHIC HUSBAND–A drug dealer, wife beater, whoring, child abusing jerk–had apparently urged her to lose weight by making fun of her, making her feel completely fat and worthless, called her callus and horribly unforgiving names and ruined her belongings…. just because she weighed more than 180 pounds. and the woman is only 5 and a half feet tall. Not to mention, she has given birth to FOUR children. she aslo was in a major car accident around 1996 which has left her with bad legs and hips and could never keep on an exercise program because the doctors told her that it would not be easy for her to do and it would cause her pain and horrible aches to attempt it. which it did.
    Until you have been a woman of her size and one with her history physically, you need to take back that comment about the thin mints.

  • And yeah, she may never see her children graduate highschool, well at least 3 out of 4 of them. she might see her youngest who was 6 when holly was put away. 10 years + a kindergardener= she might see her princess graduate if she does flub things up again for herself.

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